02 03 The Recycle-ista...Adventures in Vintage: Upcycling Expo ~ Exit Sign Table Lamp 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Upcycling Expo ~ Exit Sign Table Lamp

Industrial Exit Sign Upcycled Table Lamp

A long time ago, a feature of this blog was to highlight specific artists or shops that worked on upcycling or repurposing ordinary objects into something different. Better, even. I haven't done a story in awhile and have been meaning to get back to making that a regular feature. 
So in the spirit of nepotism, I'm going to start with Mr Recycleista, my Hubby. 
Long time readers of the blog know that Mr R is my thrifting buddy, picking-partner-in-crime and the Shipping Department. He also lists with me on Ebay and stocks his own shop on Etsy, Metal and Tweed. He also covers the Tahoma Salvage shop while I cover Vintage Paperology, The Retro Shop, most correspondance, promotion and paperwork. (division of labor summary complete)
Anywho, Mr R has also wanted to dabble in upcycling some of the finds we come across, but just really hasn't had the time. He's developed an interest in clocks and lamps. So far his skills have been utilized in repairing some of our rescues but lately he's turned to creation.

Behold the latest: 

So Mr R took one of these salvaged mid century EXIT signs that we had acquired and made some modifications. I'll let him explain it (from his listing description):

"This mid-century industrial exit sign has been upcycled into a table or accent lamp with the idea of keeping the original style unmodified. A metal push button switch allows for on/off capability.

The body of the sign is heavy gauge stamped steel in the original industrial silver/gray finish. The front access panel has the word EXIT with a red painted pane of glass behind it held in with tension clips. The top has an opaque ribbed glass panel that allows the light to shine upwards.

Originally the sign was designed to hang above a door so that the light would shine down through the glass panel. The unit was lightly modified to allow for the glass panel to be on the top of the lamp.

The lamp cord, connections and switch are new additions, the original dual ceramic bulb sockets are original with all new wiring. Clear rubber bumper feet keep the metal up off of the surface of the table or shelf and allow for air flow as well as protects from scratching."

Awesome, right?? 
You can see the store listing HERE as well as poke around in the rest of Mr R's shop, Metal and Tweed
Thanks for joining me and stay tuned for more Upcycling Expos! If you are an upcycling or repurposing artist or know of one and would like to see a feature, drop me a line! 

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