02 03 The Recycle-ista...Adventures in Vintage: Retro Atomic Flatware - A Grocery Store Giveaway 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Retro Atomic Flatware - A Grocery Store Giveaway


I may have blogged about this before, (haven't searched for it yet) but I thought I'd share again anyway. I just got through listing some of this flatware in The Retro Shop. I've sold similar pieces before so I was happy to come across some again.

The flatware is stainless and is simply marked "Stainless Japan". The black part is synthetic. Some versions have 2 or 3 stars on them.

It was a bit hard to research it initially, most people just listed it with that information. Which is fine, because it worked. I was able to find other similar pieces even without knowing a manufacturer.

Then I delved a bit deeper and found a person who had posted on a forum that he was looking for more pieces. He had his mother's set and wanted to add to it. She had gotten as a giveaway from a grocery store (Ralph's, I think) in the 1960s in California.
Ah, interesting!

Then as I listed and sold those initial pieces I found, I discovered how popular they were. I had people So I'm sure there were several grocery store chains that participated. Lots of people wanted to add to their parent's sets or re-create the set they remembered as a child.

Which is why selling retro flatware is so cool! I love these stories!
Anybody else remember flatware like this? Which grocery store gave it away?

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