02 03 The Recycle-ista...Adventures in Vintage: Please Pardon Our Dust 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Please Pardon Our Dust


Well, I have all sorts of ideas and thoughts and THINGS I want to share with you, but I think I just need to bite the bullet and move the blog over to Wordpress. I think the layout and ideas I have will work better over there.
I'll be working on that this week. I'm about 99% sure I'll be moving the entire blog over, not just starting afresh. Hopefully things will go smoothly on the technical end.
Stay tuned for an announcement as to our new address! And I will also do my darndest to make sure links and readers will forward so I hope to not lose any of you!!

Thank you so much all of you loyal readers! I couldn't do it without you and I'm looking forward to taking this to the next level!!

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