02 03 The Recycle-ista...Adventures in Vintage: And We're Back...in 3...2....1.... 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

And We're Back...in 3...2....1....


So. That was summer. It was nice.
I know a lot of you are loath to accept the inevitable end of summer, but I actually love fall and can't wait for sweater weather. 
It's bittersweet to send Little Man back to school for second grade. I'll miss him and I'll worry like I always do when he's not in my sight. 
So LM2 and I will have some quality time together. I'm sure having Mama's attention will be more crucial since Big Brother isn't there to play and argue with. 
But despite all the changes that the change of season brings, one thing remains constant. 

I have a lot of work to do. 

I'm glad to be back in the blogosphere. I've got goals for this blog and I'll need your help. Your comments and feedback keep me motivated to write, so keep it coming!

I'm excited to be trying a new online reselling adventure, (soon to be announced) so stay tuned for that. 

Fourth quarter is almost here....and it's usually the most important part of the year for the online selling world. I'd like to be more prepared, so time to buckle down. For reals. 

I'll still be sharing my finds but we are seriously curtailing the thrifting for awhile. I know, I know! I've said this before. But we seriously could fully stock our 6 shops with what we've already acquired. Did I say 6? Oh yes, we reopened one of our Etsy shops, Pish Posh Notions, and have been adding buttons and sewing patterns, etc..
I promise I'll still share with you what I find, but it just may come from a bin under the stairs, lol. 

I'm still selling directly on Instagram, that's been fun. Plan to keep my hand in that too. 

Speaking of social media, one goal is to develop some kind of plan. So far, I'm a bit haphazard in my promoting, and so I think I end up wasting time. 

I could go on, but I'm gonna stop there because I'll just discourage myself!!

What about you? Any plans for the fall? 

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