02 03 The Recycle-ista...Adventures in Vintage: Vintage Vera 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Vintage Vera


Just a quick post today...better than the nothing I've been doing..as far as posting, that is. I have been listing. Pretty consistently too. And I'm trying not to think TOO hard about my listing. I tend to look at an item and think, "Oh, I have to research that (which I love), or figure out shipping, or clean it first before I can take a picture....I'll pick something easier".
So I've just been shutting the brain off and listing.

Yesterday, I came across this stash of vintage Vera scarves in my inventory. Vera Neumann, that is. All together, although I got them at different times. Which was actually kind of impressive, that they were together. Although it's possible I have more stashed away...somewhere else...

So before I could think too much, I snapped some photos, found this blog post to help determine the age of my scarves and listed them in my Etsy store.

And maybe someday I'll come across the other stash. If it exists.

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