So it's been a few weeks since our booth moved spots in the Upscale Thrift store, like I reported on in this post. Sorry for being overdue on an update!
I like my new spot MUCH better! It always feels good to move things around, clean things out and basically give things a facelift.
See the closet Hubby made for me out of old doors in the picture above? Way cool. I'm the envy of the shop.
We put more old doors to use for backdrops and dividers in our booth.
I also brought my vanity in to sell. Gotta make room for a crib you know!!
One thing I did was start this spot for clearance items. All such items have a neon tag to identify them. It's been a great way to clear inventory...especially the stuff that I added to the booth at the beginning, just to fill it up. I had gotten a couple boxes of free stuff and it was just booth fodder. Some of it sold...the rest was languishing.
But boom! pop a neon sticker on it and the stuff flies out the door!
Not everything in that area is clearance but the neon tags help people figure it all out.
Sales have been good this month. A move and a new scene really helps. It all looks like new stuff. Older stuff has been selling.
I really need to hit some yard sales and get some fresh inventory. Or keep digging around at home! I keep finding things that I can put down there...right in my own stash!!