02 03 The Recycle-ista...Adventures in Vintage: Guess Who's in the Typewriter Business? 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Guess Who's in the Typewriter Business?


I love vintage manual typewriters. So much so that I buy them whenever the price is right, condition is good enough and they have a cool color. I try to avoid beige. That just seems a good policy in life anyway. (Just ignore the wall color you see in the photo)

Well, I guess my problem is, I buy a manual typewriter and it needs checking out and cleaning. So it gets put in The Pile. I buy another. Add to The Pile. These things reproduce on their own when you're not looking. After all, there is an Italian Olivetti in the mix.

So fortunately for my storage space, Hubby has had a bit of free time on his hands lately. This weekend was snowy and work has been a bit slow.

So guess who cleaned and checked my manual typewriters?? Whoo hoo!! Thanks Hubby.
He even ran to Goodwill in the snow and bought the dark red Sears model that was marked down to 1.29 on Sunday. It's pretty much a mess...but for 1.29...it's worth a shot.

These beauties will be rat-a-tat tatting their way into The Recycleista's Retro Shop this week!
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