02 03 The Recycle-ista...Adventures in Vintage: A New Goal for a New Year 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

A New Goal for a New Year

About this time of year, it seems most people are thinking of resolutions, goals, things they want to accomplish in the next year...or even the next decade. When I make such large goals, they don't usually work out that well. I tend to be too vague, too optimistic.
So I think my first goal this year is to tone it down a bit. I will try to set one specific goal per month and see how I do.
So for January, 2010 my goal is....drum roll please....to try to find an item on eBay itself and flip it. In other words, find an auction that's, how shall we say, less than optimally written, win the bid, re-do the listing and sell the item at a profit.
I've read lots of stories recently of people who have been successful at this very thing, including the eBay Coach. See her latest story here.
There's also a great eBook by Don Hoppe Jr called eBay Arbitrage The Complete Guide to Flipping which includes tons of tips and free software.
So my goal for January 2010 is to do some more research, find at least one item on eBay to resell and then try eBay Arbitrage!!
I'll keep you posted with how my experiment/goal works out!

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